divendres, 1 de març del 2013

Ski in La Masella Ski Resort

Yesterday ( 28th February) all the students of the High School IES Guillem de Berguedà went to some places and did sport. We decided to go skiing. We went to la Masella ski resort. At the beginning we weren’t allowed to skiing on our account so we had to go with a teacher. Later when the 2 hours with teacher  have finished we went free but together. We went to have lunch at 1 o’clock and as soon as we could we went to go skiing again. The temperature wasn’t too cold and the snow was good. Many people fell down like Arnau, Marc,… because they were skiing too quick. But we had a good time!

TEXT BY: Sergi Romero, Jana Riu, Maria Corominas, Roger Camprubí, Marc Orriols, Berta Canadell, Glòria Santaeulàlia i Arnau Verdaguer.


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