diumenge, 21 d’abril del 2013

Día 5/5th day

La noche pasada fuimos a dormir a casa de Signe y otros a la de Nanna. Fuimos a dormir muy tarde pero a las 10 todos estabamos levantados porque hoy hemos ido al museo de Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek. El museo és muy grande y hemos pasado dos horas allí contemplando esculturas y pinturas. El museo tiene una de las colecciones egipcias más buenas. Después fuimos a comer. Mas tarde nos separamos en grupos, unos fuimos a practicar Parkour y otros de compras. Nosotras fuimos a practicar Parkour con Oskar y allí pudimos ver como se desarrollaba una clase de Parkour. Después de unas horas fuimos al centro de la ciudad a comprar helados y nos los comimos cerca del río.
Ha sido un día muy interesante y divertido.
Last night we went on a sleepingover to Signe's house and others to Nanna's house. We went to sleep very late but at 10 o'clock all of us were just woken up because today we went to Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek museum. The museum is very big, we have spent two hours there watching sculptures and paintings. The museum has one of the best egipcian collection. Then we went to have lunch. Later we made groups; one group went to practise parkour and the other went shopping. We went in the Parkour group with Oskar and there we could see how worked a Parkous class. After few hours we went to the city center to buy ice-creams and we had eatting them close to the river.
It has been a very interesting and funny day.

Text by: Ares Lladós y Jana Riu

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